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Understanding SwiftUI’s @StateObject and @State

Welcome to an easy-to-understand guide about @StateObject and @State in SwiftUI! This tutorial explains these two concepts with fun analogies, helping you decide when to use each.

Step 1: @StateObject – Your Pet Robot

Think of @StateObject like having a pet robot. This robot is complex, can remember lots of things, and is around as long as your app needs it. Use @StateObject for data that’s shared, complex, and needs to last a long time.

class PetRobot: ObservableObject {
    @Published var tasks = ["Clean", "Play Music", "Dance"]

struct PetRobotView: View {
    @StateObject var robot = PetRobot()

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("My Robot's Tasks")
            ForEach(robot.tasks, id: \.self) { task in
            Button("Add Task") {
                robot.tasks.append("New Task")

Step 2: @State – Your Handy Notepad

@State is like a notepad for simple, quick notes. It’s perfect for data specific to one view, like a score in a game or a toggle state. Use @State for simple data that lives and dies with the view.

struct GameView: View {
    @State var score = 0

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Game Score: \(score)")
            Button("Increase Score") {
                score += 10

Step 3: Choosing Between @StateObject and @State

  • Use @StateObject: For more complex, shared data that needs to stick around, like our pet robot’s tasks.
  • Use @State: For simpler, view-specific data, like jotting down a quick note or score.

Interesting to Know:

Apple advises against using @ObservedObject for objects that already conform to the Observable protocol. This is because SwiftUI is designed to automatically keep track of any Observable objects used within the view’s body. It updates the view accordingly when there are changes in the data of these Observable objects.

Using @ObservedObject in this context is not only unnecessary but may also lead to compiler errors. This is because @ObservedObject expects its wrapped object to conform to the ObservableObject protocol, which may not be the case with Observable objects.

In situations where a view needs a binding to a property of an Observable object within its body, it’s recommended to use the @Bindable property wrapper instead. For example, you would declare it as @Bindable var model: DataModel. This approach aligns with SwiftUI’s data flow principles and ensures smoother and error-free implementation.


Now you know! Use @StateObject for the big, complex stuff and @State for the smaller, simpler things in your SwiftUI apps. Have fun building and learning!

Apple Documentation: @StateObject

Learn more about @State and @Bindable

This tutorial makes it easy to understand the differences between @StateObject and @State, using engaging examples suitable for beginners and kids. 🌟🤖📒

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