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SwiftUI NavigationStack Tutorial: Building a Recipe App

Welcome to an exciting SwiftUI tutorial where we’ll create a recipe app! Using SwiftUI’s NavigationStack, you’ll learn to navigate between a list of recipes and their detailed descriptions.

NavigationStack in SwiftUI is used to create a stack of views where the user can navigate between different screens. It works like a stack of cards where each new view is placed on top of the others. You can navigate to new views using NavigationLink, and each link can be associated with specific data.The stack shows the top view and allows navigation back to previous views. NavigationStack can be managed automatically or with custom state management to control the navigation flow programmatically. For diverse navigation needs, it can handle multiple view types by matching navigation links with destinations based on data types.

    1. Define Your Recipe Model:
      struct Recipe: Identifiable, Hashable {
          var id = UUID()
          var title: String
    2. Create the Recipe Detail View:
      struct RecipeDetailView: View {
          var recipe: Recipe
          var body: some View {
    3. Set Up the NavigationStack:
      struct ContentView: View {
          var recipes = [Recipe(title: "Lasagna"), Recipe(title: "Tiramisu"), Recipe(title: "Pizza")]
          var body: some View {
              NavigationStack {
                  List(recipes) { recipe in
                      NavigationLink(recipe.title, value: recipe)
                  .navigationDestination(for: Recipe.self) { recipe in
                      RecipeDetailView(recipe: recipe)


      1. You’ve just created a SwiftUI app featuring a list of recipes with navigable details. This tutorial showcases the power and simplicity of using

    NavigationStackin SwiftUI app development.

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