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SwiftData Tutorial – How to Implement SwiftData in SwiftUI App

SwiftData offers a seamless way to manage and persist data with minimal effort. In this article, we’ll explore how to implement a simple SwiftData model, set up persistent storage, and manipulate data within SwiftUI views. Let’s start our SwiftData Tutorial.

What is SwiftData?

SwiftData is a data management framework introduced by Apple, designed to integrate seamlessly with Swift and SwiftUI. It provides a simple yet powerful way to manage and persist data in iOS and macOS apps without needing extensive setup. By leveraging the @Model macro, developers can define Swift classes as persistent data models, allowing the framework to automatically handle database schemas, change tracking, and data synchronization. SwiftData also supports key features like iCloud syncing, in-memory storage for testing, and relationship management between models, making it an ideal tool for modern app development. Its deep integration with SwiftUI ensures that any changes to your data automatically trigger UI updates, simplifying the development process and enhancing the performance of data-driven apps.

Step 1: Setting Up Your SwiftData Model

First, let’s create a model representing something simple. In our case, we’ll model a Book. We’ll define properties such as the book’s title, author, and genre. You can add more attributes as needed.

1.1 Create the Model File

  • Open Xcodea and. Create a new Swift file called Book.swift.
  • Import SwiftData.
  • Define your model class with the @Model macro. This macro ensures that your class is recognized by SwiftData for persistence.
import SwiftData

class Book {
    var title: String
    var author: String
    var genre: String?
    init(title: String, author: String, genre: String? = nil) {
        self.title = title = author
        self.genre = genre

Note: Optionals are important in SwiftData because non-optional properties must always have a value. If you’re planning future migrations, use optionals (?) for fields that could be nil.

Step 2: Setting Up the Main App and Model Container

Before we can persist and manipulate Book instances, we need to configure the model container in our main app file.

2.1 Set Up Model Container

  1. In your main App file, import SwiftData.
  2. Use the .modelContainer modifier to declare the models that should be persisted across app launches.
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData

struct BookApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            MainView().modelContainer(for: [Book.self])

This setup creates a default model container that stores data persistently. If you need to use a different storage method (e.g., in-memory), you can customize it, but for this example, we’ll stick with the default.

Step 3: Creating a View to Display and Modify Data

Now that we have our Book model and the model container set up, we can create a SwiftUI view to display and modify the data.

3.1 Fetching Data Using @Query

SwiftData simplifies fetching data with the @Query property wrapper, allowing us to query models and automatically update the UI when data changes.

import SwiftUI
import SwiftData

struct MainView: View {
    @Query(sort: \Book.title, order: .forward) private var books: [Book]
    @Environment(\.modelContext) private var context
    @State private var newBookTitle = ""
    @State private var newBookAuthor = ""
    @State private var newBookGenre = ""
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            VStack {
                // List of books
                List(books) { book in
                    HStack {
                // Form to add a new book
                VStack {
                    TextField("Title", text: $newBookTitle)
                    TextField("Author", text: $newBookAuthor)
                    TextField("Genre", text: $newBookGenre)
                    Button("Add Book") {
    // Function to add a new book
    private func addNewBook() {
        let newBook = Book(title: newBookTitle, author: newBookAuthor, genre: newBookGenre.isEmpty ? nil : newBookGenre)
        do {
        } catch {
            print("Failed to save book: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        // Reset form fields
        newBookTitle = ""
        newBookAuthor = ""
        newBookGenre = ""

Here’s what’s happening:

  • Fetching Data: The @Query property fetches all Book instances, sorted by title.
  • Environment Model Context: The @Environment(\.modelContext) provides access to the current model context for saving or deleting data.
  • Adding a New Book: The addNewBook function inserts a new Book into the context and saves the changes.

Step 4: Previewing and Working with In-Memory Storage

For previews and testing, we can use an in-memory container. This prevents saving the data permanently and resets it between preview runs.

#Preview {
    MainView().modelContainer(for: [Book.self], inMemory: true)

Using in-memory storage is particularly useful when testing or running previews, as it ensures that each run starts with a clean state.

Step 5: Deleting a Book

You can enable deletion of items in the list by adding a swipe-to-delete action. Add this to the List view:

List {
    ForEach(books) { book in
        HStack {
    .onDelete(perform: deleteBook)

Then, define the deleteBook function:

private func deleteBook(at offsets: IndexSet) {
    for index in offsets {
    do {
    } catch {
        print("Failed to delete book: \(error.localizedDescription)")

This function removes the selected Book from the context and saves the change.


In this article, we’ve covered how to:

  • Set up a simple model with SwiftData.
  • Create a model container to persist data.
  • Fetch and display data using @Query.
  • Add, delete, and persist data within a SwiftUI view.

SwiftData is powerful yet straightforward, making data management in SwiftUI apps easier and more efficient. You can further extend this example by adding relationships, more complex attributes, or custom storage configurations. Happy coding!

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