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Swift Value Types: An Easy Guide

Welcome back to UI Examples, where Swift programming becomes easy and enjoyable! Today’s focus is on understanding Swift value types. We’ll explore various value types with real-world examples, highlighting how they differ from reference types.

What are Swift Value Types?

Value types in Swift are types where each instance maintains a unique copy of its data. When you assign a value type to a new variable or pass it to a function, it’s copied, ensuring independent instances.

Characteristics of Value Types:

  • Independence: Modifying one copy doesn’t affect others.
  • Safety: This behavior leads to more predictable and safer code.

Value Types vs. Reference Types

Contrasting value types, reference types share a single instance of data. Altering data through one reference affects all others.

Value Type Example with struct:

struct NumberContainer {
    var number: Int
var firstContainer = NumberContainer(number: 10)
var secondContainer = firstContainer  // This is a new copy
secondContainer.number = 20
print(firstContainer.number)  // Outputs "10", it's independent

Reference Type Example with class:

class NumberBox {
    var number: Int
    init(number: Int) { self.number = number }
var firstBox = NumberBox(number: 10)
var secondBox = firstBox  // This is a reference to the same instance
secondBox.number = 20
print(firstBox.number)  // Outputs "20", they share the data

Common Swift Value Types with Examples

1. Structures (struct):

  • Groups related properties and behaviors.
  • Example: A Book struct.
struct Book {
    var title: String
    var author: String
var book1 = Book(title: "Swift Programming", author: "John Doe")
var book2 = book1  // Separate copy = "Bob Doe"
print(  // Remains "John Doe"

2. Enumerations (enum):

  • Defines a common type for a group of related values.
  • Example: Weekday enumeration.
enum Weekday {
    case monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday
var today = Weekday.monday
var tomorrow = today  // Separate copy
tomorrow = .tuesday
print(today)  // Still .monday

3. Integers (Int), Doubles (Double), and Floats (Float):

  • Represent numbers without or with fractional parts.
  • Example: Numeric calculations.
var score: Int = 100
var copyScore = score  // Independent copy
copyScore += 50
print(score)  // Remains 100

Learn more about Swift Numeric types

4. Tuples:

  • Groups multiple values into a single compound value.
  • Example: Handling coordinates.
var location = (x: 10, y: 20)
var newLocation = location  // Separate copy
newLocation.y = 30
print(location.y)  // Still 20

5. Arrays:

  • Ordered collections of values.
  • Example: Storing a list of names.
var originalArray = [1, 2, 3]
var copiedArray = originalArray  // Create a copy
copiedArray.append(4)  // Modify the copy
print(originalArray)  // Outputs "[1, 2, 3]", the original is unchanged

6. Dictionaries:

  • Usage: For collections of key-value pairs.
  • Example: Dictionaries store key-value pairs. Like arrays, modifying a copied dictionary doesn’t affect the original.
var originalDict = ["a": 1, "b": 2]
var copiedDict = originalDict  // Create a copy
copiedDict["c"] = 3  // Add a new key-value pair to the copy
print(originalDict)  // Outputs "["a": 1, "b": 2]", original remains the same

7. Strings

Strings in Swift are sequences of characters. When you copy a string and alter the copy, the original string is not impacted.

var originalString = "Hello"
var copiedString = originalString  // Create a copy
copiedString += ", World!"  // Modify the copy
print(originalString)  // Outputs "Hello", the original is intact


Value types in Swift, such as structs, enums, and basic data types, play a crucial role in creating efficient and safe code. They ensure that each instance maintains its own data, leading to predictable behavior.

Understanding these basics will set you up for success as you continue exploring the exciting world of Swift programming. Stay tuned to UI Examples for more helpful guides and tips!

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