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Observable protocol in SwiftUI

For this tutorial, we’ll explore the use of the @Observable protocol in SwiftUI, focusing on an example that clearly demonstrates how you can utilize this powerful feature to create responsive applications. We’ll create a weather app scenario where various components of the weather data need to be observed for changes, influencing the app’s user interface dynamically.

Overview of @Observable in SwiftUI

@Observable enables SwiftUI views to react to changes in data models by updating the UI automatically. This implementation follows the observer design pattern, which allows objects to be notified of changes in another object without tight coupling between them.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Creating a Dynamic Weather Dashboard

Let’s build a simple weather app that updates its display based on changes to weather data.

Step 1: Define the Weather Data Model

First, we’ll define a WeatherData class that will hold temperature, humidity, and weather condition information. We’ll make this class observable using @Observable.

import SwiftUI

class WeatherData {
    var temperature: Double = 75.0
    var humidity: Double = 50.0
    var condition: String = "Sunny"
    init(temperature: Double, humidity: Double, condition: String) {
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.humidity = humidity
        self.condition = condition

Step 2: Create the Weather View

Now, we’ll create a WeatherView that displays the temperature, humidity, and current weather condition. It will update these values whenever they change in the WeatherData object.

struct WeatherView: View {
    @Bindable var weatherData: WeatherData

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Current Temperature: \(weatherData.temperature)° F")
            Text("Humidity: \(weatherData.humidity)%")
            Text("Condition: \(weatherData.condition)")
            Button("Refresh Weather") {
                // Simulate receiving new weather data
                weatherData.temperature = Double.random(in: 70...80)
                weatherData.humidity = Double.random(in: 40...60)
                weatherData.condition = ["Rainy", "Sunny", "Cloudy"].randomElement()!
        .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10))

Step 3: Integrate Weather Data in App View

Finally, integrate the WeatherData and WeatherView into the main content view of the app.

struct ContentView: View {
    var weatherData = WeatherData(temperature: 75, humidity: 50, condition: "Sunny")

    var body: some View {
        WeatherView(weatherData: weatherData)


This example shows how to use @Observable in SwiftUI to build an app that responds dynamically to changes in its data model. The WeatherView updates automatically as the WeatherData changes, demonstrating a practical application of the observer design pattern without tight coupling between UI components and the data model. By using @Observable, developers can ensure their apps remain responsive and the UI consistently reflects the current state of the application data.

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