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Localizing Text in SwiftUI with LocalizedStringKey

In SwiftUI, localization plays a crucial role in making your app accessible and user-friendly across various languages and regions. The LocalizedStringKey struct is a powerful tool for achieving seamless localization by allowing developers to manage localized strings effectively.

What is LocalizedStringKey?

LocalizedStringKey is a type used to retrieve localized strings from .strings files within your app’s bundle. When you use string literals in SwiftUI elements like Text, Toggle, or Picker, SwiftUI automatically uses LocalizedStringKey to fetch the appropriate localized version of the string. This automatic mechanism is possible because LocalizedStringKey conforms to the ExpressibleByStringLiteral protocol.

Localized and Non-Localized Text

The beauty of LocalizedStringKey lies in its flexibility. For instance, when you initialize a Text view with a string literal, SwiftUI implicitly converts this string into a LocalizedStringKey and looks up the localized string:


In contrast, if you pass a String variable to the initializer, SwiftUI treats this as a direct instruction to use the string as-is, without localization. This approach is particularly useful when displaying dynamic content, such as user-generated data, that doesn’t require localization:

let dynamicText = "User's input text"

However, there are scenarios where you might need to localize a string stored in a variable. In such cases, you can explicitly convert your string into a LocalizedStringKey to ensure it is localized:

let greeting = "Hello"

Practical Example

Imagine a simple task list app that supports multiple languages. You want the static text to be localized, but the task descriptions, which are user input, should not be:

struct TaskListView: View {
    let tasks = ["Buy milk", "Schedule meeting", "Call mom"]
    var body: some View {
        List {
            Text("Tasks for today").fontWeight(.bold) // This will be localized
            ForEach(tasks, id: \.self) { task in
                Text(task) // Displays user input directly

If your app supports German, for example, and your Localizable.strings file contains:

“Tasks for today” = “Aufgaben für heute”;

The header “Tasks for today” will appear as “Aufgaben für heute” to German users, enhancing the localized experience while keeping the task descriptions in the original language provided by the user.


LocalizedStringKey enhances SwiftUI’s text handling capabilities by providing a simple yet effective way to support multiple languages in your app. By distinguishing between when to use string literals and when to use string variables, you can control the localization behavior of your app, making it intuitive and accessible to a global audience. Embrace LocalizedStringKey in your SwiftUI projects to seamlessly integrate localization and improve user engagement worldwide.




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